Hello, I'm Javier Tirado-Garín

I am a PhD student in the Robotics, Computer Vision, and Artificial Intelligence Group at the University of Zaragoza, supervised by Prof. Javier Civera. My research interests include solving 3D vision problems with Deep Learning and Geometry.


From Correspondences to Pose: Non-minimal Certifiably Optimal Relative Pose without Disambiguation

From Correspondences to Pose: Non-minimal Certifiably Optimal Relative Pose without Disambiguation

Javier Tirado-Garín, Javier Civera
CVPR, 2024 Highlight (top 2.8%)

An algorithm that avoids the 4-fold ambiguity of calibrated epipolar geometry and directly estimates the globally optimal relative pose from 2D correspondences.

DAC: Detector-Agnostic Spatial Covariances for Deep Local Features

DAC: Detector-Agnostic Spatial Covariances for Deep Local Features

Javier Tirado-Garín, Frederik Warburg, Javier Civera
3DV, 2024

Quantification of spatial (2D) uncertainty for the location of deep local features in an image and their inclusion in geometric tasks such as PnP and camera localization.

Jacobian Computation for Cumulative B-Splines on SE(3) and Application to Continuous-Time Object Tracking

Jacobian Computation for Cumulative B-Splines on SE(3) and Application to Continuous-Time Object Tracking

Javier Tirado-Garín, Javier Civera
RA-L, 2022 and IROS, 2022

Continuous-time rigid object tracking using cumulative B-Splines on SE(3) with novel analytic Jacobians for speeding-up optimization.